The Bible is an expansive collection of ancient texts. At first, its sheer size can seem intimidating for newcomers. Where can one start reading all 66 different books across genres and historical periods, not to mention religious themes?
In this guide, we’ll answer that question by offering ideal starting points that provide literary or spiritual guidance, insight, or historical understanding.
Understanding the Structure of the Bible
Before offering specific recommendations about how best to interpret or apply biblical scriptures, we need a good grasp of their general structure. The Bible comprises two significant parts: Old and New Testaments.
With 39 books in the Old Testament dealing mainly with Israel’s history, laws, and poetry. Twenty-seven books make up the New Testament, which covers Jesus Christ’s life story, including teachings, death, resurrection, and development of the early church, as well as various perspectives that explore the humanity-divine relationship as part of the biblical narrative.
Factors to Consider
Selecting your initial Bible reading requires consideration of several vital factors.
- Consider Your Interests: Consider all the areas where your passions lie – history, morals, poetry, or prophecy might appeal.
- Narrative Complexity: Some Bible books feature narratives with more complex arcs, while others feature simpler tales.
- Spiritual Goals: Reflection on Spiritual Goals To reflect upon your spiritual goals and what benefits reading Scripture brings – wisdom, comfort, or inspiration? – Take some time and give them some thought now.
- Accessibility: When picking out your Bible for study, choose something easy on both language and content levels if this is your first experience with its contents. This step should particularly apply if this will be your first encounter with Biblical texts.
What is the Best Book of The Bible to Start With?
1. The Gospel of John
John’s Gospel (also referred to as the Spiritual Gospel) provides an in-depth exploration of Jesus, his teachings, and miracles through reflective poetry written with love, eternal life, and light themes in mind, making this Gospel particularly accessible for newcomers.
2. The Book of Psalms
The Book of Psalms is widely considered the “hymnbook of Israel.” Containing prayers, praises, laments, reflections, etc, it provides comfort during times of sorrow, joy, doubt, and thanksgiving as its emotions and experiences resonate deeply with readers and provide spiritual nourishment and comfort during such difficult times.
3. The Gospel of Mark
Mark The Gospel of Mark (Mark 1) is one of four gospels and stands out for being fast-paced and action-packed. Focusing more heavily on Jesus’ deeds instead of long discourses, its vivid style is appealing and accessible for readers of all backgrounds. This Gospel is perfect for readers looking for concise stories with an urgency factor.
4. The Book of Genesis
Genesis, often considered to be at the core of biblical study, gives an in-depth account of Creation, patriarchs, and human origins. With stories like Adam & Eve at Noah’s Ark or Abraham and Sarah dreaming of Joseph having visions.
Genesis provides essential context to understand more fully all other parts of Scripture and doctrines from its very inception for anyone hoping to dive deeper into biblical history & doctrine from its inception point forward.
5. The Gospel of Matthew
They are written primarily with Jewish readers in mind. The Gospel of Matthew presents Jesus as fulfilling Old Testament prophecies and being God’s chosen one. They are also called messiahs by many.
Focusing heavily on Jesus through his teachings, such as the Sermon on Mount and being the son of David/son of God/Messiah, makes Matthew’s Gospel an excellent introduction to Christian ethics and theology – especially for those looking for continuity between Old and New Testament writings.
Final Thoughts
Your first Bible book depends on a range of considerations, such as your interests, goals, and availability. Each Bible book offers something unique: Psalms’ poetic prayers, John’s profound teachings, and Mark’s action-packed stories.
Genesis’s foundational tales or Matthew’s comprehensive theology may all provide something valuable as starting points. What matters is an open mind with a willingness to discover spiritual and timeless insights from its pages!